Thursday, December 10, 2015

YDEV Advising

For one of my Youth Development Events, I helped Corinne and Lesley with advising students and picking schedules for the Spring 2016 semester.

This event was kind of surreal to me. This is my sixth and final year at Rhode Island College and there I was helping freshman who knew nothing about the Youth Development program sign up for their second semester of classes. Being at this event helped give me a "full circle" feeling. Six years prior, I was being helped with advising as a theater major and now here I am in my sixth year, helping other students gain knowledge and sign up for classes for a major that gave me a whole new outlook on school. Being in a classroom has never been easy for me but being in Youth Development classes and taking classes that have useful content for my end career goal (Expressive Therapist) has made me so much more confident as a student and as an individual. Helping these students pick out their classes gave me so much hope, not just for myself but for them. I want them to feel the same way I do about the Youth Development program and I want them to feel confident in themselves.

I loved helping students pick their classes and I am so glad I had the opportunity and knowledge to do so. I hope the students I helped succeed in the program!!

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